The Elderly Empowerment Campaign
The Elderly Empowerment Campaign is part of the Elderly Empowerment Project that IDRAAC has developed in partnership with the Municipality of Byblos-Jbail with the financial support of the European Union. The overall objective of this project is to reintegrate the elderly into the community at large. As IDRAAC’s research has found a strong correlation between mental disorders and social disability, these findings emphasized the importance of social interventions such as volunteer, work and networking opportunities when targeting the mental health of the elderly. For the first time in Lebanon, a database of volunteer and work opportunities for people aged 60+ was created by screening all businesses registered in Byblos. This database is now online on the IDRAAC website: in English and Arabic.
and the Municipality of Byblos-Jbail’s website in English and Arabic.
A brochure was also designed which includes the listed companies in the database and can be found at IDRAAC, at the Municipality of Byblos and the Byblos Cultural Center.
A national media campaign was also launched during December 2016-January 2017 with billboards in the Jbail area, a promotional video and TV advertisements (on LBC, OTV, Future TV, Al Jadeed TV and Tele Lumiere), radio advertisements (on Radio Strike, Radio One, Light FM, Mix FM, Radio Liban Libre and Fame FM), online promotion through the project’s Facebook page on the following link and newspaper advertisements (below).
The aim of the campaign was to raise awareness about the needs of the elderly in Lebanon and highlight their positive image and role in society. The project is still ongoing and if you also know a company (or have) outside of the Jbail area who you think would like to be part of this database, please send an email to or contact us on 76 10 05 76 and we will make sure to add the company to this database.
