Jordan, G. J.
A short psychology of religion
Oxford, England: Harper, 1927. 160 pp. [Book]
In this psychological defense of religion, and ecclesiasticism in particular, the author, an ecclesiastic, asserts that the psychologists are making a religion of their science, hence the religionists must develop a psychology of their own. "Psychology," he says, "must keep its hands off theology. After all it is only the handmaid of theology, the outer court of the Temple and not the Temple itself." The treatment is dualistic with special emphasis upon the spiritual. Conscience is "an innate force" which "guarantees the upward march of man as surely as the sex instinct guarantees his continuance." There is a discussion of the transcendental ego, sin and conversion, prayer, worship, belief, etc. Practically all the references to psychology deal with the psychoanalytic concepts, except the final chapter, Psychology and Corporate Religion, which is based almost exclusively upon McDougall's Group Mind.